Are there certain words that you aspire to embody? Words that motivate and inspire you?
It occurred to me recently that for many of the words that I would put into that category for myself I didn’t have a clear definition for. Furthermore, I realized that I not only wanted a definition that was only clear, but one that was practically useful. By that I mean a definition that, when remembered, would give me the clarity to know if I was embodying the principle behind that word, and, if not, how I could.
This list is subject to change—along with my own depth of wisdom and understanding. But I feel that these definitions meet the criteria I delineated above, and so they are a very suitable starting point.
BUT—before you read my list and are influenced by it, I strongly encourage you to make this practice your own. Take out your journal, index cards, or a scrap piece of paper and…
List 3-7 words that, if you were able to fully embody at all times, will bring you closer to your maximal potential.
Consider what those words mean to you and write a one sentence definition that a) brings you clarity and b) gives you the ability to check in with yourself whether you are embodying that word in any given moment.
I’d really love to know what you came up with, so please share in a comment below :)
Here are mine:
Clarity | Observing what is without preference or bias
Authenticity | Being and acting in the present moment without preconceptions
Alignment | When your inner and outer realities do not contradict
Centered | Connecting to the part of yourself that is unaffected by internal or external circumstances
Grounded | Awareness and presence in the reality of this moment
Integrity | When your actions match your values
Finally, let’s look at our list and ask ourselves for each one: Will this bring true benefit when understood and applied?
Reflection/Journaling Prompt
Choose one word from your list. How have you most powerfully embodied that principle in the past? How would it look if you were a paragon for that ideal every day?